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【teeth and ambitions lorcana】BMW E30 M3 vs Audi RS2 Avant: Which Would You Rather Own?

8 k y 1 m 4 w 4 c q g i 8 6 2 j s f 3 n 5 8 0 u a u2024-09-29 12:26:35【Fashion】4人已围观

简介Photo credit: CarWow - YouTubeFrom Road & TrackThe pairing ofE30 M3andRS2 Avantis an interesting one teeth and ambitions lorcana

Photo credit: CarWow - YouTube

From Road & Track

【teeth and ambitions lorcana】BMW E30 M3 vs Audi RS2 Avant: Which Would You Rather Own?

Theteeth and ambitions lorcana pairing of

【teeth and ambitions lorcana】BMW E30 M3 vs Audi RS2 Avant: Which Would You Rather Own?

E30 M3

【teeth and ambitions lorcana】BMW E30 M3 vs Audi RS2 Avant: Which Would You Rather Own?


RS2 Avant

is an interesting one. Both are German performance icons, but the BMW is a little older than the Audi, and each takes a very different approach to speed. The Audi used turbo power, all-wheel drive and some significant engineering help from Porsche, while the BMW's signature was light weight and handling finesse. English YouTube channel


put the two vintage German machines together for a mini comparison test, and it's got me wondering about which I'd rather have.

On the one hand, the E30 M3 is played out in the enthusiast crowd. It was once an under-the-radar gem, but now,


knows what this car is, and prices have risen significantly. Plus, you're almost guaranteed to see one of these at every fancy car meetup you go to. But on the other hand, the E30 M3 is a legend for a reason. It's got an incredible racing history, and by all accounts, it's an excellent car to drive.


The RS2 Avant is the more esoteric choice, and that's really appealing. It's the first Audi RS model, and it was

engineered and built by Porsche

. That's quite appealing, as is the RS2's 2.2-liter turbo five-cylinder. It sounds excellent and makes the RS2 feel quick even by today's standards.

You won't see many RS2s at your local car meet either because Audi built fewer than 3000 of them, and none were sold in the US. That fact would be disqualifying, were it not for the fact that

the RS2 is eligible for import in 2019

. Show up with one at any US car event, and you're guaranteed to be a hero.

And as


found out, the RS2 is way quicker than the M3, putting its turbocharger and extra cylinder to good use.

As much as the RS2 is an interesting proposition though, I'd still go for the M3. It just seems more elegant than the RS2, and that's more my style. But what's your pick? Vote to let us know.

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